Thursday, September 8, 2011

When I Grow Up...

Dear Cordie,

You are standing beside me right now (waaaay past your bedtime - you had a nap this afternoon) talking to Daddy about what you want to be when you grow up. You said that Rachie told you to be a Lady Bug Hunter, so that's what you're going to be. You're explaining how you are going to first get a jar and then catch the ladybugs and put them in the jar and put some holes so they can breath and then put in some grass and leaves and then they'll be happy! But no water oh because ladybugs don't float.

You learnt the last bit the hard way. We spent a week at a cottage this summer and your favourite thing to do at the beach was to collect ladybugs. Then you would play with them until they went to sleep and would 'fly away' as soon as you turned your back and I could dump out the dead bug. One lasted a whole 24 hours until you were convinced that it wanted to swim. It did not want to swim. Ladybugs don't float.

You also want to be a ladybug for Halloween this year. I'm on the hunt for the perfect costume.

Love you, Mommy