Thursday, May 20, 2010

Birthday Girl

Hello My Sweet Birthday Girl,

You are so beautiful. Today you turned two years old.

If we ask you, you say you're, "DO!" and hold up all your fingers trying to figure out how many and which ones you should be showing me.

I had to wake you up this morning so that we could take Rachel to preschool. You were sleepy faced and gorgeous. Your hair was matted into the biggest rat's nest on the back of your head that stuck straight out. You picked a dress to wear and we got you dressed. For breakfast, you had Honey Bunches of Oats with cinnamon clusters and juice in your Elmo cup, which you spilled everywhere.  While you ate I showed you an e-card that Grandpa sent you. You gave me your shy smile when you heard it say your name and you just kept saying, "More," over and over whenever it ended.

I dropped you off at Nana and Grandpa's on the way to Rachel's preschool. Nana told me later that you played outside and in the basement and had a great time. She also told me that you peed on the toilet!  You've never done that before. I guess that means toilet training is in your near future.  While you were there I took Kingsley grocery shopping and to the mall to get your birthday present. I know, I should have gotten it earlier, but we've been so busy the time slipped away from me.

I picked up Rachel and then picked you up. I gave you both a little packet of animal crackers and a juice box and we went to pick up some cloth diapers that we're trying out. When we got to the store, you pushed Rachel because she was trying to hold your hand and she fell and skinned her knee. She was quite devastated by this.

For lunch, you chose to have leftover quesadilla's over a peanut butter wrap, but you were so tired by the time lunch was ready that you just asked for your blankie and I took you up to bed. You go down for your naps really easily. You seem to know that you need one and just curl up with your thumb in your mouth and your blankets over you. 

When you woke up, Grandma was here. She likes to bring you guys pink roses on your birthdays. She stayed for a bit and then went home. We went outside and you and Rachel played in the little pool while Kingsley and I watched. You had an awesome time. You were quite upset when I started to drain the water so that we could go in for dinner.  We'll go out again tomorrow, it's supposed to be nice again.

For dinner, we had four cheese penne pasta with tomatoes. You had two bowls of applesauce while you were waiting and then gobbled it up.  After dinner we webcam'ed with Auntie Kristi and Karis and then we gave you your present. It was some new sand toys (because Grandma is giving you a sand box on Saturday) and a ball that sprays water everywhere... I'm not quite sure how it works, we'll find out tomorrow!  The five of us walked to McDonald's after dinner for ice cream cones. You rode with Rachel in the red wagon and I wore Kingsley in the dragonfly mei tai.

Daddy put you to bed when we got home. I think you had a good day. You certainly looked happy and seemed like you were having a good time!

Your birth day was one of the most beautiful, magical days of my life. The day you arrived brought me happiness that you can't even imagine yet. Your birth was amazing. I want to remember it on every birthday you celebrate and celebrate the day the world became a little bit sweeter. I love you so much, Strawberry Bug. Happy Birthday!!

Love Mommy

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