Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Dear Cordelia,

My mom assured me that once you turned three you would magically give up sucking your thumb. You are now closing in on four years old and still sucking strong. We have brought up the idea of stopping, but you have no interest at all. Some days, I think it is actually glued there on your tongue. I have warned you that on your fourth birthday you are done and we will not be allowing you to suck your thumb anymore. You give me dubious looks when I say this. I really don't want to have to, but I will get that gross-tasting stuff for your thumb if I have to.

The other day, you got a scratch on your right thumb (the one you suck). I happily allowed you to wear a Hello Kitty bandaid wrapped around it. You couldn't suck your thumb. Then you proudly announced that you could suck your OTHER thumb while that one heeled. You were so pleased. ;)

On Tuesday, I let you put nailpolish on. I told you that you were not allowed to put it on your thumbs because you suck them. You insisted and assured me that you would NOT suck your thumb if nailpolish were on it, that you absolutely had to paint your thumbs as well. With some hesitation, I let you do it. For whatever reason, this worked. You haven't sucked your thumb since! You're so proud of your orange and green nails, I think they will probably be painted for the next year as long as you keep them out of your mouth.

Love Mommy


Dear Cordie,

We've been talking to you a lot lately about moving and building a new house and what that will be like so that you are excited for it and prepared when it happens. So far, you are taking it in stride. You did have a little concern last week (out of nowhere) about whether or not I'd allow you to get all new craft supplies for the new house. You and Rach seem to have to be reminded over and over that we're bringing everything with us.

Your bestest friend at school is still Ava. On Tuesday, you were very excited to show her your newly painted fingernails and then you told her that you're moving to a new house. I'm not quite sure how the conversation went since I wasn't there, but Ava went home quite distraught and told her mother (through sobs) that she no longer wanted to go to preschool because you were moving and wouldn't be there anymore. Her mom called Teacher Terry, who called me to ask when we were moving and why she was asking. I assured her that you were not moving anytime soon and that you would be at preschool right up until the end of the year. Poor Ava.

I love that you have a sweet friend who cares so much about you and I love imagining the little talks the two of you have. I wish we could take her with us when we move or at least that you're able to find more friends just like her.

Love Mommy