Monday, July 19, 2010

Toilet Trauma

Dear CorBear,

Just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that we started toilet training this week. You're doing alright with it. You seem to have been wanting to do it for some time now, but I've been avoiding it for one reason or another. Either way, we started last Friday. It was a disaster.  You had 7 accidents and 3 successes.  The next day you had 1 success and you held it a lot. I think you must've let it all out in your naptime pull up. Yesterday was fabulous. You went on the potty all by yourself! And today was similar. Two accidents, both poops. But at least you didn't sit in them like your sister used to do. You're learning and growing up. I want to keep you small and see you grow at the same time.

Love Mommy

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