Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You are Two

My Little Bugga,

You are two, in every sense of the word, with all it has to offer.  Your sister wasn't quite the two year old that you are becoming! You love to climb, you love to yell, you love to cuddle.

Your little body is covered in scabs and bruises and scratches right now. You have a bit of a shiner from banging your face on the table in your playroom, a knee that's been skinned twice in as many days, scratches of an unknown origin on your cheek (Rachel claims innocence), a purple toe from when one of the kitchen chairs toppled over on top of you and bruises right up your shins on both legs. It's a good thing you're a tough little girl. I feel the need to explain to people whenever I catch them looking at you, that you are two years old and like to climb and get into mischief. It's a bit of an understatement.

You are so much louder than your sister. I don't even need to wonder whose voice I hear when it's a yell or holler - it's you. Your favourite time to start screaming is about 30 seconds after Kingsley closes his eyes for a nap.  Truthfully, sometimes I want earplugs when I'm around you. Once you get riled up it's like you'll never stop crying/yelling/shouting/screaming.  Add to that the fact that you love noise-making toys and it's amazing that your brother gets any sleep at all.

But you are also adorably two. You are still a little bit squishy with the baby chub. Your fingers and cheeks are chubby and so delicious. You're just starting to say "Mommy, uv oooh," (love you) and it melts me every single time. You have the absolute sweetest little face and smile.  Every night before bed you want to cuddle and sing Baby Beluga. Then Twinkle Star. Then more Baby Beluga. You sing it to your brother sometimes, but it sounds like: "Bay-bee buuuuuh-ga, oh bay-bee buuuuu-ga," over and over until you get bored and move on.

Rachel is your best friend. You want to be like her and have started dancing like her with your eyes closed doing various yoga moves along with the music. You've got a bit more sass to your moves though, with lots of bum shaking already. You love music. You also adore Kingsley and all your baby dolls. You feed them, change them, put them to bed and even cath them on occasion. You love making Kingsley smile so you can announce: "Kinky Mi-yo! (smile)"  If he's upset, you get concerned and try to comfort him.

Right now, our days begin with a snuggle and end with a snuggle. And in between is the utter chaos of being two years old.

Love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Cordeeeeeeliaaaaaa!
    You crazy girl! You are the most delicious little slick!
    I know that you are afraid of your Auntie Kristi just a bit, but I never bite.
    I love you and all that orange hair up!
