Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

Dear Cordie,

Today is your first day of Junior Kindergarten. You were so excited for school earlier in the summer, but your excitement had petered off quite rapidly as the day got closer. All I heard this week was that you didn't want to go to JK anymore, you wanted to stay home. I had all my fingers crossed that you would change your mind.

You started at the new school up by our new house. I took you and Rachel in. You clung to my hand the whole time while we walked around looking for your classes and your teachers. We had to go to the office because you two weren't on the lists yet because of the boundary exemption. After finding Rachel's teacher, you and I left to go look for your group.

Your teacher was in the kindergarten pen, aka the JK/SK fenced in playground. There were a lot of kids there with their parents. We met your teacher and the ECE and then you and I sat and chatted while we waited. You kept repeating that you didn't want to go in. We talked about your teachers' names and how you could remember them. You giggled a bit. The bell went and you followed me over to the wall to stand with your class. You stood there, just fine, while the kids around you came and went. Some were crying, but  not you.

Eventually, it was time to go inside. Your whole class went, but you refused to let go of my hand. I gave you a hug and you wouldn't let go. Eventually, your teacher took you and I was able to get you to let go of me. I watched through the window as you went in and found your cubby. You saw the other kids changing their shoes and looked a bit uncertain about whether you should go in or change your shoes. You ended up going for your shoes and I was so relieved that you were able to pull them out and put them on. Your teacher then took you into the classroom to find a seat. I saw you sit down and start working on a picture.

Cor, it was so hard seeing you go today. You looked so much like me, it was like watching myself go into school. So many times I wanted to grab you and take you home with me, spend one more day snuggling on the couch with my little bug. I'm so happy to see you growing up, but hate to see you scared.

I love you so much, Bean.

Love Mommy

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