Monday, November 1, 2010


Dear My Bug,

This was your third Halloween. Your first Halloween, you dressed up as a bug. That's where you got your nickname from. We called you little bug and for some reason it stuck. The second year, you were a unicorn. Both of these where hand-me-down costumes from your sister that Kamille also wore between.

This year, you were a witch. It's the first time you got a brand new costume all for you. You were beyond adorable! We started off calling you a Halloween Princess because when we told you that you were going to be a witch, you were less than thrilled. For our first Halloween party at the Church, your costume wasn't ready yet, so we put you in Kingsley's monkey costume. You fought it. In the end, you wore it and just sat with Daddy eating Timbits the whole party.

By some miracle, on the day of Malloween'ing, you happily put on your new witch costume. You had a hat that you loved. The skirt was a favorite of Rachel's, so of course you had to like it as well. I put green eyeshadow on you and you just did your shy smile with your lips pressed together, staring at yourself in the mirror for ages. 

It took only a few stores during Malloweening for you to figure out that if you held your bag open, they put candy in it. You were thrilled, to say the least.

The next night, Halloween, you again put on your costume happily and were geared up and ready to GO! It was just above freezing, so we stuffed sweaters and layers under you and you didn't care in the slightest. I had to stop back at home to get mitts and hats for you and Rachel, but you didn't seem to notice how freezing it was. You would've gone all night, dragging along your treat bag until it was all torn up with little holes. There aren't a lot of kids on our street, so the neighbours all dumped handfuls of candy and chips into the bags of the sweet little witch and angel.  I think you would've stayed out all night.

I absolutely love that you are getting old enough to appreciate Holidays and special days. I love watching you experience new things.

Love Mommy

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