Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You like meals not

Dear Cordie Bean,

Your talking has taken off again. You speak in big long sentences, and although we can't always understand the jumble of words you're saying, you usually get your point across.

My favourite thing that you say is when you try to make something negative. You haven't figured out where the word 'not' goes, so you just tack it on the end. Party 90's catch phrase, part Yoda. All day long I hear things like: "Kingsey is seeping, not,"  "I want to drink milk, not," "Rachel come to, not," and my favourite, "Hold me, not." 

You've started mastering names a bit more as well. Kingsley has gone from Kiki, to Kinky, to King-gee, to Kingsey. Rachel has gone from Chay-cheh, to Way-cheh, to Way-chee or Way-cho.  You call yourself Co-dee now, which is like how Rachel used to call you Co-deyah. People used to always say that your siblings would determine your nickname, and I guess that's true because Rachel calls you Cor or Cordie and that's what you now call yourself.

Another quirky phase you're going through is the grazing phase. You refuse to eat meals and instead are constantly in the fridge or cupboards sneaking food. All. Day. Long. It makes me crazy. When no one is looking, you steal the container of Craisins or a box of crackers or an apple. I find bits of food in your playroom, on the couch, left on the front hall floor... crazy making. You just ran in the room right now with an apple that you've pilfered from the fridge. You didn't eat your cereal for breakfast and are probably hungry. I can resist you, not.

Love Mommy.

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