Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Touching

Dear Cordie,

The words "No touching" are just not in your vocabulary right now. Daddy and I say it to you about 100 times a day and instead of any sort of compliance, all I see on your face is the twinkle in your eye of someone who has just been presented with a challenge. My laptop, my camera, my tea, the Blu-Ray player, your brother... I turn my back and you are on it like white on rice. A couple of weeks ago, I raced upstairs to see why you were so quiet only to find you with all of Kingsley's cathing supplies out. The catheter was all lubed up, you were naked and you told me, "I do my pee-pee-nis."  I held my breath and waited for you to add, "not" to the end of your sentence, but you didn't. I am not entirely sure what I missed, but I didn't find a cup of pee anywhere so I think I was safe. I had obviously told you not to touch Kingsley's stuff.

It's a never ending battle.

Luckily though, I find it very amusing that reverse psychology works incredibly well with you. If I tell you to take off your clothes or tell you not to put them on, I will find you dressed. If I tell you to not touch your dinner or tell you that it's for Rachel, it will get eaten. If I tell you that we are not going to brush teeth today, you can be found in the bathroom. Although in that case, there will likely be toothpaste all over the place.

Everyday is an adventure with you, Sweet Pea.

Love Mommy

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