Friday, January 14, 2011

Busy Times

Hi Sweetheart,

We've had such a busy couple of months. At the end of November Kingsley had a pretty big surgery called a posterior fossa decompression.  I was at the hospital with him for most of the days until late at night. You would spend the time with Nana or Grandma either at one of their houses or at ours. Rachel still went to school every morning, so some of the time you were by yourself doing things with them. Kingsley was in the hospital for nine days and this seemed to effect you more than Rachel. You and Kingsley are quite the pals. With Rachel in school in the morning, you had gotten used to doing playgroups with Kingsley or hanging out with me. With that routine disrupted, you seemed a little sad. Every morning you would break my heart by leaping out of my arms and running into the hallway to check and see if Kingsley was across the hall in his room. When he wasn't, you'd say, "Kingy in the hops-it-al." and then come back to see me for a bit. One mornings, I decided to spend some time with you and take you out to run some errands. You got so upset and begged me to just stay home with you and watch cartoons. My poor sweetheart, you just wanted to slow down and stop all the shuffling. I felt awful.

When Kingsley came home, you were ecstatic. The grins on your and Kingsley's faces was priceless. You've been so concerned with his new boo-boo, taking every opportunity to kiss it better even now. You give him hugs all the time and are the first to attempt to soothe him if he's upset. There's quite the bond between you two. I love watching you.

Christmas was fantastic this year. You didn't 'get' it as much as Rachel did, but I can see you starting to come around. You were more than happy to get involved in all of the Christmas prep. You loved the Christmas tree and were always found playing with the ornaments, announcing which ones were yours or Rachel's and reminding me that you were not allowed to touch them. When Rachel was one she was given a set of three song books and a CD that went with them: Away in a Manger, Hark the Herald Angels Sing and Silent Night. She has become so attached to them over the years and this year you took an interest in them. Even today, when we were cleaning the playroom for Kingsley's birthday, you stopped to sit and sing Away in a Manger to yourself. I LOVE hearing you sing.

Santa brought you a lot of Toy Story 3 things this year as you have decided that you "yove Jessie" the cowgirl from Toy Story 2 and 3.  You got a Jessie costume that you wear all the time and make people call you Jessie when you're in it. You also got the movie and a few books.  You also got a plasma car (which is in the basement because you and Rachel kept riding them around when Kingsley was trying to sleep or crashing into things and just generally harming each other with them), some craft supplies (which you are getting good at!), and a leaptop. For about a week after Christmas, you would suddenly stop what you were doing and announce: "I have to check my emails!" and run for your Leaptop. It was adorable.

A couple of weeks ago, you started preschool. I was so nervous for you on your first day. We had gone for a visit just before Christmas and you had seen that it was where Rachel had gone, so you were familiar with it. You found some toys you liked and I practically had to drag you out when we were done talking with Teacher Terry.  On your first day of school, you were pumped. Nana had given you a new backpack for school and you LOVE it. It was all packed up, you were set to go. We dropped Rachel off and then I brought you in. You showed no sign of hesitation when we arrived, switched your shoes, hung up your coat and bag (and I took a lot of pictures) and then brought you to the door. You danced on the spot, eager to get in and get to the toys. I sent you in and stood on the outside waiting.  You took about two steps and turned, realizing I wasn't behind you. When you realized I wasn't coming, you did a bit of a dance, holding out your hand to me and whining. Teacher Terry pointed out the doll centre to you and you went with her. That was it. I waited and waited outside the door for you to look up, to show any sign that you were nervous or unsure, but you didn't do it. You were fine. ... although when I picked you up (still happy and enjoying yourself!) you were wearing different pants. Teacher Terry told me that you had an accident about 5 minutes after I left. You haven't had one since though, now that you know the routine and where the bathroom is. She says you have begun participating.

When I dropped you off at preschool yesterday, another mom had just dropped off her younger daughter and was talking to her older daughter. She was saying that her the younger girl was going to be so excited that Cordelia was there. She just looooves Cordelia. She had been talking about Cordelia and had heard that they had held hands all day on Tuesday. Melt my heart, you have a friend. When I asked you about the kids in your class, you delightedly told me that they were your friends. You were so proud.

You have started to speak really well lately. I'm constantly noticing that your clarity is improving as is your sentence structure. You still get 'not' at the end of a sentence, but I'm hearing it less and less. Another thing you're doing now is saying 'yours' instead of 'your' only it sounds like 'yorce'. I love hearing it. It makes me smile inside every time. You'll say things like: "Rachie, is that yours book?" or even better: "Rachie, that is yours book not!"

You and Rachel are quite the pair. You fight all the time.  You are also best friends. You play together all day long when you're home together. She calls you Cor or less often Cordie. You call her Rachie, and sometimes Rachel (which you say pretty well now).  I love watching the two of you.

You've calmed down the last couple of months. You aren't so much in the 'terrible two's' anymore. Daddy might disagree, but he usually only sees you at night when you're tired. You are so snuggly and lovable. I just can't get enough of you right now.

Love Mommy

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