Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Baby Girl

Dear Cordelia,

You're at an interesting age right now. You spend your days proclaiming either: "No! I not a baby! I a BIG GIRL!" or "Mommy, I'm yours baby, right?"  You seem to want to do all of the big girl things like drink from a big girl cup and use big girl toothpaste and sleep in your big girl bed, but you want to be reassured that you are my baby girl and get the attention and doting that comes along with that. You will always be my baby girl.

Up until about a month ago you were still sleeping in the crib. I had no problem with that. Your big girl bedroom was all set up with your paintings and your clothes and your bedding, but Kingsley slept in there. You slept in the smaller bedroom with Kingsley's clothes and Kingsley's pictures and Kingsley's knick-knacks. He was happy on the bed, you were happy in the crib. I was happy that you were contained and that I could lie down when Kingsley woke up in the middle of the night. Then one day you decided you were done with your crib. It was a sad day for me.

The first week or two were dreadful. You would not stay in your bed. You were put in there at about 7-7:30, which is your usual bedtime, but you would not sleep until about 10 or 11 and that was usually after disasters and threats from Daddy and I. I found you giving yourself a pedicure in the dark. I found you attempting to vacuum your room. I found you in the medicine cabinet I don't know how many times. I found you on the bathroom counter washing your feet in the sink. You also liked to check in on Rachel and Kingsley and see how they were doing. It was exhausting. Naps also were not very successful in the big girl bed.

Meanwhile, Kingsley was also not adjusting to his new crib. He sleeps in a crib when in the hospital and was not impressed with being in one at home. Between the two of you, I was cursing the decision to switch beds.

I got a tip to put the child proof door knob cover on the inside of your bedroom door and our problems were solved. The first night, I put it on when you weren't looking. About 30 seconds after I tucked you in and shut your door I heard you jiggling it, whining and eventually giving up. When I stuck my head in, you were scowling and asking: "What that thing there Mom?"  You're used to it now. I take it off when I go to bed so that you can get out to go to the bathroom or come see us if you need something. It's working out after all.

You look so small curled up in your great big bed. My little baby. Such a big girl.

Love Mommy

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