Monday, June 13, 2011


Dear Cordelia,

Turning three seems to be the time when babyhood ends for good and yet for you there have been so many firsts in the past few months, it's like babyhood all over again! You have reminded me yet again what a brave, confident little girl you really are.

First, you had your first trip to the eye doctor. Rachel had gone before, but did not remember it so the two of you were quite nervous and not sure what to expect. Your eye doctor was very nice and you immediately warmed up to him. Rachel went first, but you and I were in the room watching. When it was your turn in the chair, you were hesitant but began responding and doing what he asked in no time. Your vision is perfect.

Next up was the dentist. Rachel doesn't mind the dentist, so you were less apprehensive about this one. You do know Dr. Vern, but of course you are shy. When we got there, Rachel went first again and you surprised me by hopping up in the chair right away and opening your mouth. You had a full cleaning and polishing! Afterward, Vern gave you a lot of toothbrushes and stickers. Perfect teeth!

Waiting for your cleaning to begin.

Helping out the hygenist doing the flouride.

Holding the sucking thing.

Cheese! Look, Ma! No Cavitites! 

Third, you had to go have your three year check up with the doctor. This was an appointment that you and I attended on your own, so you didn't have your sister to show you that there was nothing to be afraid of. There were no needles, nothing to be scared of. You bravely sat on my lap while Dr. Hyndman looked you over and declared that you are healthy and well.

About a week after all of these appointments you told me that you were sick and had to go see the doctor in the hospital like Kingsley. Kingsley goes to a lot of doctor appointments, and up until now you had no reason to be jealous of that fact. Now, however, you see the doctors as somewhere that you get a lot of attention, praise and stickers.  You are all over that.

Today was the latest in your list of firsts. At three years, three weeks old, you had your first hair cut. Finally! You didn't have any fear of this one. I told you it wasn't going to hurt and you believed me. You even told me that we could just get Daddy's clippers and buzz your hair. Um. No. Just a little bit? No. Just on top? No. I am going to hide the clippers because I'm not sure where that idea came from, but I wouldn't put it past you to try it out.

You watched Kingsley get his haircut (his third) and then sat up in the big chair to get yours done. The stylist trimmed off the dry baby hair in the back and evened out the length. It looks very sweet, just like you.

Before - total bed head!

All wet and ready for your trim!

Getting a feel for what was there.

Snip, snip! All done and even. Beautiful!

Love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. She is riiiiiiiiiidiculously cute! Cannot wait to squish her all over! xo
