Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Dear Cordelia,

Oh, my Cordie. What on earth am I going to do with you? I was ready to sell you to gypsies yesterday.

For starters, your main method of communication right now is screaming and whining, with a side of crying. You want to do things your way and your way only. You and I butt heads countless times in a day.

We somehow survived getting ready for school without too much blowout, only to get in the van and realize that you had played with the lights and left the trunk light on and killed the battery. When I finally got that resolved (thanks to a rescue from Nana and Grandpa), I was sitting at the kitchen table and realized that you had taken a bingo dabber to the white carpet in the computer room.

When I picked you up from school, you were on a fast track to chaos. You yelled, screamed, argued, smacked a glass of milk out of my hand, pulled Rachel's hair, you screamed and woke Kingsley up from his nap, broke your doorknob cover when I tried to put you in your room... it went on and on and on. I finally dragged you guys out to the mall to get out of the house and give Kingsley some time to practice wheeling around. You ran around like you'd never been let out of your house before. It was a bit of a disaster.

This morning, you woke up with the biggest smile and bounced out of your bed to go see Kinglsey and smother him with kisses. And all of yesterday was a distant memory. It amazes me how you are sugar and spice, so blended together. One minute I want to lock you in your room, the next minute I want to be in there with you.  I love you so much, Cordelia. I hope we survive this phase. ;)

Love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. T.R.O.U.B.L.E! She is firey HOT! I need to snuggle that little bugger!
