Monday, June 6, 2011


Hi Sweetheart,

You are now three! You had an awesome birthday. With all of the birthday's that happen in the first few months of the year (Kamille, Kingsley, Aunt Kristi, Uncle Kevin, me, Rachel, Eric) you were asking for weeks when it was going to be your turn. Once in March, Rachel told you your birthday wasn't for another month and you immediately burst into tears and insisted that she was wrong - there was NO WAY you had to wait that long for your birthday.

And then finally it was here! I had been planning it for ages.  You are still in love with Jessie the cowgirl, so we did a Toy Story theme.

Your birthday fell on a Friday. Daddy had to get off to work early, so we woke you up together and he gave you birthday hugs and kisses before leaving. Then you and Rachel joined me in Kingsley's room and while I fed him you opened your presents. You were so adorable opening them up and getting so excited about each one. We gave you a Jessie t-shirt, a stuffed dog that you have to teach to be house trained, a dress, a Toy Story game and a Toy Story book. You and Rachel loved the dog and thought it was HILARIOUS that you could feed it a bottle and then it would pee. You played with it all morning after we dropped Rachel off at school.

You, Kingsley and I went grocery shopping for your party and then shopping at the Party Store so that you could pick out the treats for the loot bags and prizes for the games. Going to the party store for your birthday party is a favourite thing of you and Rachel and something you look forward to each time someones birthday comes around.  Grandma and Nana both came to visit you during the day. Grandma brought you some small pink roses which she does for every birthday.

It was a gorgeous day, so we spent a lot of the afternoon outside. You played in the sandbox and in the water table and blew bubbles. We had pizza for dinner, which was your request. We ate it outside when Daddy came home, then came inside for cupcakes.  After dinner, Daddy and I gave you two more birthday presents: pink cowgirl boots and a new Barbie tricycle. Both were pretty exciting. 

After all of that, it was time for bed! You had to get to sleep so that you'd be fresh for your party the next day.

Your birthday party day started out with breakfast in bed - something we did with Rachel this year and you felt pretty special to be getting as well. Mini waffles, fruit and juice.

I made Daddy keep you and Rachel occupied all day so that I could clean the house and get the final things ready for your party. It started at 3pm. Nana, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Carol Anne, Eric, Scarlet, Molly, Nicole and some of my friends all came. You guys played freeze dance and pin the badge on Woody. There was a lot of playing with your friends, eating, dancing and running around. You had a great time! I made chocolate cupcakes with orange buttercream icing, which was what you had asked for, then topped them with Toy Story figurines. You got a lot of really nice gifts such as clothing, books, a sprinkler for outside, and stuffed Jessie and Bullseye dolls.  Grandma also got you a picnic table for outside, which went well with the picnic basket that Aunt Kristi sent you.

After the party, Daddy had to leave for another party and we just hung out here until bedtime. You were all tired and worn out from the great day. You fell asleep almost instantly.

I loved watching my sweet little Strawberry Bug be the centre of attention and get all of the love and adoration you deserve. I hope every birthday is as happy as this one.

Love, Mommy

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