Thursday, April 29, 2010


Dear Cordie Bean,

I took you and Kingsley swimming today with Nana at the South London Community Pool. You were amazing! You wore a little pink bathing suit that looks like a two piece with a big bug over the tummy. Your hair was a mess all over the place.

You haven't been swimming since last summer and we barely even went then. You went to the wading pool at Southcrest a few times and the beach, but that's about it. I wasn't sure how you'd do and at first you didn't seem to have any interest in the swimming thing.  You asked to leave, "All done!  All done!" (which sounds like Aw, dunn!).  I swished you around in the water a bit to get you used to it and by the end of the 25 minutes we were there, you were doing beautiful back floats with me just holding your shoulders, jumping off the underwater ledge into my arms, blowing bubbles, kicking and paddling your arms. You even went under one time by accident and didn't fuss at all. 

I was so proud of my little swimmer. I can't wait to take you again next week.

Love Mommy

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Dear Cordie,

You are a little monkey right now. It's easing up, but the first few months after Kingsley came home were rough.  Right now you are very calm. You are sitting beside me on the couch, wrapped up in a bunch of blankets eating popcorn, drinking hot chocolate and watching Elf. It's a rainy Sunday morning and this was the movie Rachel picked. You guys love it and it makes me laugh.

This is you trying to play on my computer. You are always dragging these chairs around the house to reach things you shouldn't.

We went to Eric LeClairs birthday last Saturday and you were such a sweetheart. You didn't play much of the games that were organized, preferring instead to sit by yourself and play with toys, or sit with Rachel and eat, or hang out by me. There were a lot of people there.
I love you, Strawberry Bug.

Love Mommy

Your NickNames

Dear Cordelia,

I blame your Grandpa for all of your nicknames. He had so many for me and Auntie Kristi and Uncle David growing up and it was just natural for me to give you a bunch, too. Your Daddy used to worry that you kids would never respond to your own name because I rarely used it.  Here is where your current names came from:

CC: This was your very first nickname.  Nana and Grandpa didn't like your name when I first told it to them. It was a bit out there for them. So, Grandpa came up with CC which are obviously your initials. He calls you this and sometimes other people like Rachel will as well.

Miss C: another one from your initials. Little Miss C was what I called  you a lot in the first months before Bug came along.

Bug, Bugs, Buggaboo, Buggie: I think this came from your first Halloween when we dressed you up as a caterpillar. You were such a cute litte bug.  I guess it just stuck.  The rest of the Bug names just expanded from that. Oddly though, you are currently TERRIFIED of bugs. All bugs. You freeze in terror and burst into tears whenever you notice a bee or wasp or fly, literally shaking until it goes away. Breaks my heart. I think it's because last summer you were stung by two wasps and somewhere you must remember this, although you were barely 1 and can't possibly really remember it.

Cor, Cordie, CorBear, Delia, DeeliBug: these are all versions of your name. I was sure I'd call you Delia once you were born, but I don't all the time. It didn't suit you as a baby and I'm still not sure it does. Maybe when you're older.

Cordie Bean, CorBean, Bean: this came from your second nanny, Ali. She started calling you Bean which is what my nickname is. It fits for you since you're a second/middle child just like me! And it sounds cute.

The Marvelous Cormelia: Rachel called you this and it somehow stuck. She shuts you out of a room, then dramatically opens the door and yells: "It's the Marvelous! Cormeeeeeeeeelia!!" It makes you laugh so now I find myself calling you The Marvelous Cormelia at random times.

Strawberry Bug: this is another of your new names. You look just gorgeous in pink with your pink cheeks and red hair. Just like a strawberry. And Grandpa recently sent me a video about strawberry bugs, so it turns out they're a real thing. You are far cuter than the real bugs though.

Love Mommy

Friday, April 23, 2010


Dear Cordelia,

Today we went to the park with Rachel and Kingsley. We met a friend of mine, Alison, and her four kids. We had a picnic and then played on the equipment and fed the geese.  You had so much fun. I found out today what a daredevil you are. You played mostly by yourself, swinging on the bars above the slides, going down the slides, watching the other kids, playing with he debris under the equipment. You had a great time. I absolutely love watching you explore the world and test your limits.

Love Mommy

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who You Are Right Now

Hey Bugga,

You will be 2 years old in 1 month and 3 days.

You are my sassy, saucy little girl. Your hair is bright orange, with a strip of white blonde across the back. You badly need a haircut since it grows in all different directions and hangs in your face, but I have no idea what to do with it. You have your Daddies almond eye shape and they are bright blue against your smooth white skin. When someone first looks at you, they might think that you are still a chubby little toddler, but it's only your cheeks that give off that implication. Your neck is a skinny little thing that leads down to your perfect little body that is slowly losing it's squishy baby-ness.

Everyone adores you. Once they get past how absolutely gorgeous you are, they realize that you are so incredibly sweet by nature. When we are out in public, you are an angel. Quietly smiling your sweet smile or hiding your face in shyness. At home, you are less so. You are loud, persistent, and inquisitive. Right now you have a half eaten slice of apple on your head and are gleefully telling me: "Appou! Appou!" like it's the funniest thing you've ever done. Your brother is whining from his swing because earlier you woke him up from your nap with your crying and yelling for your "Bankee!" (which is in the wash because you took your diaper off and peed on everything in your crib last night).  One smile though, and you pretty much get away with anything. You are so precious.

Your language is coming in leaps and bounds right now. Before Christmas and Kingsley, I was worried about how much you weren't talking. Part of me was ready to get you assessed, part of me knew you just needed time. And you did! Now, you seem to delight in rolling your tongue over new words and saying them over and over to get the sounds closer to what we say. You are so proud of yourself when you put multiple words together and you stick "Mommy" onto any phrase you can: "All done, Mommy!" "Thankoo, Mommy!" "Mo'e jui, Mommy!" and your favourite "O-K, Mommy!"

You are the one that Christened Kingsley as 'Kiki', even before you started saying 'Ay-tchee' for the sister you've had your whole life. You adore your little brother and have from the first time you laid eyes on him in the hospital. He's your live doll and you are such a good mommy.  Rachel, though, is the one you run to when I've said something you don't like. You run with your arms wide open, hoping for a hug from your big sister that will make it all okay.

I love watching you grow and learn and discover, Cordelia. You are at such a fast paced age and when you get into a snuggly mood I dive right in to hold onto the last moments of your babyhood. You give the best hugs and the smooshiest kisses.

Love Mommy

Dear Cordelia

Hi Angel,
You are sitting in your booster seat looking at me with your big blue eyes while I type this. You have a gross mess of your breakfast that you are delightfully playing in. There is milk, cereal, and juice all mixed up in a cup, bowl and face cloth. Now you're drinking it with a spoon, which would seem disgusting, but you're giving me your secret smile with your lips pressed tightly together and announcing, "Nilk! Nilk!"

Since the moment I found out you were a girl, I worried about you being the middle child, the second girl. When we found out that Kingsley was a boy, and a boy with Spina Bifida no less, I worried even more that you would get lost in our family the way I often felt in my own. But you are anything but lost here. You are my crazy, delicious little Strawberry Bug and I want to tell you all about you.

Love Mommy