Thursday, April 29, 2010


Dear Cordie Bean,

I took you and Kingsley swimming today with Nana at the South London Community Pool. You were amazing! You wore a little pink bathing suit that looks like a two piece with a big bug over the tummy. Your hair was a mess all over the place.

You haven't been swimming since last summer and we barely even went then. You went to the wading pool at Southcrest a few times and the beach, but that's about it. I wasn't sure how you'd do and at first you didn't seem to have any interest in the swimming thing.  You asked to leave, "All done!  All done!" (which sounds like Aw, dunn!).  I swished you around in the water a bit to get you used to it and by the end of the 25 minutes we were there, you were doing beautiful back floats with me just holding your shoulders, jumping off the underwater ledge into my arms, blowing bubbles, kicking and paddling your arms. You even went under one time by accident and didn't fuss at all. 

I was so proud of my little swimmer. I can't wait to take you again next week.

Love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Awe! I took Kariboo for a swim today too! She loves to float around and is way more into it than Kamille is these days!
