Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who You Are Right Now

Hey Bugga,

You will be 2 years old in 1 month and 3 days.

You are my sassy, saucy little girl. Your hair is bright orange, with a strip of white blonde across the back. You badly need a haircut since it grows in all different directions and hangs in your face, but I have no idea what to do with it. You have your Daddies almond eye shape and they are bright blue against your smooth white skin. When someone first looks at you, they might think that you are still a chubby little toddler, but it's only your cheeks that give off that implication. Your neck is a skinny little thing that leads down to your perfect little body that is slowly losing it's squishy baby-ness.

Everyone adores you. Once they get past how absolutely gorgeous you are, they realize that you are so incredibly sweet by nature. When we are out in public, you are an angel. Quietly smiling your sweet smile or hiding your face in shyness. At home, you are less so. You are loud, persistent, and inquisitive. Right now you have a half eaten slice of apple on your head and are gleefully telling me: "Appou! Appou!" like it's the funniest thing you've ever done. Your brother is whining from his swing because earlier you woke him up from your nap with your crying and yelling for your "Bankee!" (which is in the wash because you took your diaper off and peed on everything in your crib last night).  One smile though, and you pretty much get away with anything. You are so precious.

Your language is coming in leaps and bounds right now. Before Christmas and Kingsley, I was worried about how much you weren't talking. Part of me was ready to get you assessed, part of me knew you just needed time. And you did! Now, you seem to delight in rolling your tongue over new words and saying them over and over to get the sounds closer to what we say. You are so proud of yourself when you put multiple words together and you stick "Mommy" onto any phrase you can: "All done, Mommy!" "Thankoo, Mommy!" "Mo'e jui, Mommy!" and your favourite "O-K, Mommy!"

You are the one that Christened Kingsley as 'Kiki', even before you started saying 'Ay-tchee' for the sister you've had your whole life. You adore your little brother and have from the first time you laid eyes on him in the hospital. He's your live doll and you are such a good mommy.  Rachel, though, is the one you run to when I've said something you don't like. You run with your arms wide open, hoping for a hug from your big sister that will make it all okay.

I love watching you grow and learn and discover, Cordelia. You are at such a fast paced age and when you get into a snuggly mood I dive right in to hold onto the last moments of your babyhood. You give the best hugs and the smooshiest kisses.

Love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is so good too! I totally know more about her because of this. I cannot wait to spend 2 weeks with them!
